Our Environmentally Sustainable Practices
- Active Recycling Program, both in room and within our facilities
- Encourage guests to reuse towels to reduce water usage
- Removal of all plastic bin liners in room and within our facilities
- Evaluation, monitoring and wherever possible reduction of our energy usage
- Incorporation of energy efficient materials, technology and equipment when purchasing new or upgrading existing facilities
- Separation of all green waste for disposal
- Water savings with dual flush toilets
- Use of energy saving light bulbs
- Increased in house laundry, to get away from it having to be transported to and from the commercial laundry in Hawkes Bay
- Use of on wall io.amo toiletry products in all rooms, instead of small single use items.
- Any used io.amo toiletry containers are returned to the wholesaler who actively recycled them.
- Staff training to ensure uptake of our sustainable practices.
- Continual reviewing and adaption of practices to ensure they are up to date with current environmental best practice.
TIAKI ... Care for People and Place
The Tiaki Promise is a commitment to care for New Zealand for now and for Future Generations.
At The Claremont we understand New Zealand is precious and that everyone who lives or travels here has a responsibility to look after it. By following the Tiaki Promise we are committed to do our part as Guardians, protecting and preserving New Zealand as well as educating our guests on how to also preserve and protect our home using Tiaki guidlines as they enjoy their travels around it.